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Becoming a Football Dribbling Pro: Step-by-Step Guide and Drills

Dugmates - Your All-in-One Sports Community App

Step 1: Getting the Basics Right

Before we start with dribbling exercises, it’s important to know the basics:

  1. Body Position: Keep your body low and steady with your knees bent. This helps you control the ball better and move quickly.
  2. Ball Control: Use the inside part of your foot to gently touch the ball. The softer you touch it, the better you can control it.
  3. Look Up: Always keep your eyes on the field so you can see your teammates and opponents.
  4. Change Your Speed: Try to change how fast you dribble to surprise the other players.

Step 2: Dribbling While Standing Still

Let’s begin with some exercises to improve your ball control:

  1. Cone Dribbling: Set up a line of cones about one yard apart. Dribble the ball through the cones using one foot and then switch to the other foot. Focus on keeping the ball close to you.
  2. Figure 8: Put two cones in the shape of a figure 8. Dribble the ball through this shape, using both feet. This helps you get better at moving around quickly.
  3. Inside-Outside Dribbling: Practice using the inside and outside of your foot to dribble the ball around a specific area. This exercise will help you use both feet better.

Step 3: Dribbling While Moving

Once you’re comfortable dribbling while standing still, it’s time to practice while moving:

  1. Zig-Zag Dribble: Set up some cones in a zig-zag pattern and dribble the ball through them while staying in control. Try to change direction quickly.
  2. 1v1 Practice: Pair up with a teammate for one-on-one dribbling drills. Take turns as the attacker and defender to practice like in a real game.
  3. Speed Dribbling: Put two cones about 10-15 yards apart. Dribble the ball as fast as you can between the cones, making sure to keep control and speed.

Step 4: Using Dribbling in Real Games

To become an expert dribbler, you need to use these skills in actual games:

  1. Small-Sided Games: Play smaller games, like 3v3 or 4v4, where you have more chances to dribble in tight spaces. This helps you handle pressure like in real matches.
  2. Practice Matches: During team practice games, try to use dribbling to move the ball, beat opponents, and create chances to score.
  3. Watch and Learn: Watch professional footballers who are good at dribbling, like Lionel Messi or Neymar. See how they play and learn from them.


Getting really good at football dribbling takes time and practice, but it’s an important skill that can make you a better player. By following these easy steps and doing the exercises regularly, you’ll get better at dribbling and become a more effective player on the field. Remember, practice is the key to becoming a great footballer, so keep working on your skills to reach your full potential.